Hospitals of Hope's Daniel White recently led a mission team of 19 from Central Christian Church in Wichita, KS to work with Mission of Hope in Titanyen, Haiti, a town 40 minutes north of Port-au-Prince.
During their week serving, the team spent the mornings putting on a VBS for the children of the surrounding communities. Anywhere from 200-450 kids came each day to play games, do crafts and learn from the Bible. They also were taught basic health care like the importance of washing their hands, how to brush their teeth and the need for proper exercise.
Another part of the team’s time was spent helping with the construction of a school at a satellite location. The school will open in September for elementary grades. The team was able to help by roofing the school buildings and installing doors. The group also did other projects for the community including clearing brush and painting houses.
The team had two nurses who were able to serve with their medical skills. They spent several days working at Mission of Hope’s clinic at the main campus and also spent a day in the mountains providing immunizations for about 200 people.
The team was also able to see a Clinic in a Can that Central Christian Church sponsored to give to Mission of Hope in the fall of 2010. The container clinic is located on the
“It was a blessing for our team to partner with Mission of Hope and the great work that they are doing in Haiti,” Daniel said. “We are excited to continue working with them in the future!”