Thursday, February 26, 2009

One container released, one on the road...

As many of you know, we shipped a container of medical supplies to our hospital in Bolivia over a year and a half ago, only to have it sit in customs collecting dust for months on end. After talking with officials in Bolivia, corresponding with the Bolivian ambassador and the US ambassador to Bolivia (before their respective expulsions), and praying continually, we are pleased to report that the container has finally been released. Its contents, including ventilators, spine boards, and many other items that are vital to our hospital, have been unloaded and are being put to good use.

Today we shipped out another container, this one headed to Karanda Mission Hospital in Zimbabwe. Between 10:15 and 12:15, we packed a 40' semi trailer full of crates of medical equipment. We filled in the cracks with a few other items that the hospital had requested, such as folding chairs, and items for local children, such as soccer balls. The container will eventually be transferred from the semi onto a boat, which will carry it to Zimbabwe.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

This made my heart swell! It is so hard waiting for things sometimes, but I know in my heart God always delivers!!
I can't wait for my trip in June
Take care