Monday, August 22, 2011

Doctor hopes to help with Clinic In A Can

The Omaha World-Herald recently featured the Clinic In A Can being to sent to South Sudan. Click here to read the feature article and learn more about why this container clinic is very much needed in South Sudan.

Earlier this summer, the three-unit Clinic In A Can was sent to Omaha, Neb. as part of the first leg on its journey to South Sudan. The container clinic is being held there until the proper funds can be raised to send to South Sudan. While in Omaha, the converted shipping containers have generated much interest.

This portable hospital is constructed in three forty-foot shipping containers and will be set up in a “U” shape. This small hospital contains exam rooms, a laboratory, a pharmacy, and surgical and radiology suites. It also holds a generator and water system, enabling it to be self-sufficient regardless of the surrounding infrastructure.

Covenant Presbyterian Church is sponsoring the container clinic through The Healing Kadi Foundation which eventually plans to construct a larger hospital, but that will take several more years. In the meantime, the Clinic in a Can will provide much-needed medical care to the more than 450,000 refugees living in Kajo Kaji.

You can find more information about Clinic in a Can at our new website

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